
EMI (Equal Monthly Installment) (equal monthly payments, including principal and interest). The payment date is set on dates not later than the 3rd day of the month. It is allowed to provide a grace period for the repayment of the principal debt for a period which will not exceed 3 months.

Interest rate24%-26%
Termup to 120 vonths
Amount2 000 000 000 sum
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Расчет является предварительным. Точные условия по кредиту вам будут предоставлены в отделении банка. Полная стоимость потребительского кредита рассчитана в соответствии с законодательством Республики Узбекистан и включает в себе следующее (в расчет ПСК могут быть включены все или отдельные виды нижеследующих платежей): Платежи по основному долгу и процентам; Платежи на страхование риска непогашения кредита; Платежи на страхование залога; Платежи в пользу бюджетных организаций; Полная стоимость кредита (ПСК) должна отражаться на сайте в %.

Loan of Mortgage “Comfortable house” issued for purchasing of apartments and houses.

Interest rate:

  • 24% per annum, if initial payment is at least 51%;
  • 26% per annum, if initial payment is at least 26%.

Term – up to 10 years.

Maximum loan amount – up to 2,000,000,000 UZS

Memo for the borrower

How high should your income be?

Monthly payment should not exceed 70% of the income. If the income is insufficient, you can register co-borrowers.

Where can you apply for a mortgage loan?

A mortgage loan is issued at a branch of Kapitalbank at the location of the apartment being purchased, and not at the place of residence.

How many days will it take to process the loan application?

It takes a few banking days to process the loan application and as to get a response in respect of the loan issue or refusal.

How is the transaction conducted?

After the loan is approved, the bank sends a letter of commitment to notary for registration of the transaction. On the basis of the letter, the developer registers the residential property for the buyer, and the bank, in turn, registers the apartment as a pledge. Apartment to be purchased becomes the pledge. When the loan is issued, the bank transfers the money to the seller's account.

Where is the initial payment made?

The initial payment of at least 26% must be made at the branch of Kapitalbank, where the mortgage is issued.

How is the loan repaid?

The repayment is made by annuity on a monthly basis, with a grace period of up to 3 months or without a grace period.

Important! To get a loan, you must be employed and have a stable income. You can get a certificate of income at the accounting department at your place of work, or the bank can independently obtain information about your income from integrated sources.

Prospective borrower requirements:

  • Borrower must be a Resident of the Republic of Uzbekistan
  • Borrower's credit history may not be negative
  • Availability of an adequate amount of own funds to pay the initial contribution
  • Borrower's Capital Adequacy is important (debt load may not be more than 70%). Co-borrowers are allowed in case of inadequate income
  • Borrower has to have a continuous source of income over the past six months

To apply for a mortgage loan, please provide:

  • passport of a citizen of Uzbekistan;
  • availability of permanent income;
  • preliminary contract for purchase of apartment;
  • copy of the cadastral passport.
Information not available
Loan agreement Comfy House Размер: 219 КБ
Information sheet Размер: 497 КБ